Week 12: Speaking Truth To Power

This week's reading was incredibly powerful to read. I have learned about the Madre's before; their white bonnets seem to have become a symbol of resistance. The concept of the disappeared within Latin American politics is an interesting positionality. In the eyes of the state, individuals are reduced to bodies where no rights are guaranteed. Its such a devastating position as there is no sense of justice; the feeling is alien to me as I have always lived somewhere with a certain extent of due process. The Madres were successful because of their position as older women; the government could not kill mothers and grandmothers in the public sphere without large reproductions. This could be attributed to significant gender roles. As women were seen as fragile, homemakers, and child-bearers, there was an element of weakness associated with their murder. However, I believe this was true for the Madres because they had already gained global attention. The Argentinian government had no qualm with killing women, however, they didn't want their foreign reputation to be dismal. Countries like the United States hold to the idea that certain people are off-limits from violence, such as women and children. Had they been young men protesting in the square, the government would have likely disposed of them immediately rather than allowing them to gather.
As I watched the Madres video, I was immediately hit by the overwhelming grief. The desperation of the people at this time for justice is quite evident. The disposal of thousands of people is quite destabilizing especially within small communities that experience massacres. The premeditated aspect of state-sponsored violence also showed the lengths of corruption. It was interesting as well to see the coverup methods that were used. Often the state tried to frame the disappeared or murdered as the destabilizing forces, ones that were a threat to the public because of their ideology. It was disheartening to learn about how the United States often supported these false narratives in order to continue support for regimes. These attempts extended violence from murder to also the death of credibility of dissident individuals. People existed in a liminal space where if they were to speak up they could either face death, discredit, or most likely both.
It's also interesting to think about how many of these disappearances have never been acknowledged properly. There are still many families who have yet to find out what happened to their children, leaving them in permanent distrust of the state and each new leader who fails to give answers. 


  1. Hi!

    I also think this week's readings have a lot of strong information hard to digest. I think the powerful symbol of the Madres is so important to the social movements all around Latin America. Just like what happened in Argentina, there are thousands of individual and collective mothers throughout Latin America looking for their missing children. The Argentina Madres were the root of a different and regional social movement.

  2. It's so interesting how a story like that of the Madres touches us in such a way. I think that this was so hard for so many of us to learn about, as it forces us to think of what it would be like for our own families to go through this, imagining our own mothers enduring this sort of devastation.
    Thank you for sharing.


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