About me and student videos

Hi, my name is Daisy Sessions and I am a second year student in the Faculty of the Arts. I am planning on minoring in Latin American Studies as I have really enjoyed the history classes I have taken that focus on Latin American culture and society. Right now I am in the History of Mexico and it has been quite interesting already to see the overlap of information that pertains to this class.

I found the student videos to be quite different and interesting ways of communicating the story of Columbus. My two favorites were The Meeting of the Two Worlds II and The Meeting of Two Worlds: Aztec addition as they were both the most engaging in my perspective. In particular the Aztec addition was really interesting to me as it highlighted how cultural differences actually spearheaded many of the losses throughout the time of occupation. The Aztecs' perception of the religion on the battlefield cost them often such as the feathered headdress that was supposed to scare the Spanish into retreating.

The reason in particular why this video stood out the most to me was also the detailing of Aztec culture and practices particularly surrounding disease. I found it very interesting to understand how the Aztec had been able to avoid epidemics for so long and it was interesting to learn it was actually due to the cremation of the dead among other practices.

Overall, I found the videos to be pretty interesting ways to talk about Latin American Studies. I am really excited for the class and can't wait to learn more.


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